Online Classes For Kids
Singapore's #1 LIVE Online Interactive Enrichment Classes
Taught By Qualified and Experienced Teachers
Online Classes For Kids
Singapore's #1 LIVE Online Interactive Enrichment Classes
Taught By Qualified and Experienced Teachers
Online Classes For Kids
Singapore's #1 LIVE Online Interactive Enrichment Classes
Taught By Qualified and Experienced Teachers

About Us
Founded in Singapore, EDOOVO is an innovative edu-tech company that provides online learning to global students in the years of preschool and early primary school.
We offer our proprietary curriculum across multiple subjects such as English, Chinese and Maths, and aim to develop students into confident bilingual global citizens with critical thinking skills.

Age-appropriate & Progressive Curriculum from Singapore
Singapore’s bilingual and Maths education is recognised to be one of the best in the world for young learners. EDOOVO develops its proprietary curriculum based on Singapore’s education framework for preschoolers and early primary school students.
Our curriculum, available on our online learning platform, covers the three most foundational subjects of English, Chinese and Maths, focused on developing students’ bilingual language capability and critical thinking skills. Whether it’s our English enrichment classes or Math enrichment classes for kids, our classes are designed to be holistic and progressive, consisting of age-appropriate learning through play with our well-trained online teachers in Singapore.

Interactive & Engaging Small Class Learning
EDOOVO brings fun and interactive learning to our students at their fingertips using our self-developed online learning platform that connects students and teachers across the globe.
For both preschoolers and early primary school students, a typical EDOOVO online class has a low teacher-child ratio that ensures each child receives ample attention and feedback from the teacher. At the same time, they are able to enjoy learning through social interactions and participate actively in our enrichment programmes, sharing their ideas and perspectives through collective group learning.
Live Teaching by Qualified
& Experienced Teachers
At EDOOVO, we believe teachers are the driving force for our students’ learning success. The authentic and positive interactions that take place during our enrichment programmes can foster lasting relationships between teachers and students, which is crucial to our students’ learning journey.
To our students, EDOOVO teachers are not strangers who come and go after each lesson, but trusted learning companions who stay with them, knowing them the best and caring for them the most.

What Parents Have to Say About Us

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Our Awards

Best in Multi-Subject
Online Enrichment for
Young Learners Award

Online Learning
Platform of the
Year 2021/22
As Featured In

Frequently Asked Questions
What are the enrichment classes offered by EDOOVO Singapore?
How different are EDOOVO's enrichment classes compared to others?
How can my child benefit from EDOOVO's enrichment programmes?